
May 10, 2019

There are a series of systems that reinforce safety and help prevent the倉庫的主要風險. We are talking about products for warehousing goods, and electronic devices or software for automating processes that make daily work faster, simpler and more efficient, as well as reduces risks.

This results in both the well-being of workers and the appropriate conservation of goods. Therefore, here it reviews which systems will help you in promoting您倉庫安全和風險預防.

Automatic systems for warehouse risk prevention

The trend towards increasing warehouse automation involves the implementation of electronic systems that significantly reduce risks. Some of them include:


In the event of an accident or a dangerous situation, for both staff and stocks,emergency stop buttonsare located in strategic points of the warehouse. They are activated by a single push by one person and stop the operation of the machinery instantly.


One of the most useful devices are thesensors installed in multiple automatic systems如堆垛機起重機或移動擱板,以避免與移動物體的碰撞。這些發出閃爍的燈光和可聽信號,即警告運算符或叉車接近過境點或盲交叉口。

3. Installations that facilitate warehouse cleaning

Proper cleaning of the spaceis essential to keeping slips and falls from happening at the sensor level and at different heights. In this regard, theuse of aerial electrified monorails in the warehousesimplifies general organization and hygiene, as they enable the floor to be kept clear.

軟件for warehouse safety and risk prevention

A物流流程管理係統, such asMecalux's Easy WMS, also promotes warehouse safety and risk prevention.

How does it work? Basically, one of the software's objectives is toreduce the number of manual actions工人必須履行維護和訂單履行。為此,它會發出針對優化產品處理的組織訂單。一個例子是這些在不同高度的分布based on the shipping frequency of each item: the most sought-after products remain at shoulder height; and the less demanded ones at lower or higher levels.

The fewer the repetitive movements, the lower the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders among operators.


Thechoice of suitable racksand their maintenance via technical rack inspections是使倉庫成為更安全的工作環境的兩個基本鑰匙。

此外,重要的是要進行分析needs of the goods and the zone in where the warehouse is located. For example,rack-supported warehousesare an ideal solution in places with high seismic activity or strong gusts of wind.

另一方麵,選擇racks adjusted to the loads designed to support both the weight and shapeof these loads is also a risk prevention measure in warehouses. In so doing, forlong goods we will consider cantilever racksand, for example, if the storage site is outdoors, the metal racks will need a完成,提供更大的防腐性能.

Warehouse construction with integral rack-supported systems, prepared to withstand earthquakes or strong gusting wind.
Warehouse construction with integral rack-supported systems, prepared to withstand earthquakes or strong gusting wind.


火災可能會對商品造成無法彌補的損失,更不用說可能導致的人類傷亡。為了獲得最大保護,安裝了專注的係統three aspects: prevention, detection and extinction.


These involve sensors that send out an alarm in the火災或煙霧的存在在周邊地區。



3. Fire prevention devices

專家推薦,在處理大量商品或處理危險貨物的倉庫中,推薦dividing the space into compartmentsusing fire partitions and fire doors. These systems allow to you to quickly isolate any fire and to control it within a confined space, before the fire spreads uncontrollably through the warehouse.

物流經理越來越意識到確保倉庫安全的重要性。發現我們最好的成功案例companies that have equipped themselves with the most modern risk prevention systems.
