

May 10, 2019

The daily management of a warehouse entails a series of risks to which bothpersonnelstocked goods每天都接觸到。了解這一點main risks in warehouses和taking measures to prevent them is essential to ensure the safety of workers and optimal maintenance of stock.


Warehousing Risks: What could operators face?

Staff training, routine inspections, health and safety measures, responsible behavior and proper maintenance of your installations arekey to ensuring the safety of the warehouse。All of this will help prevent or lessen the severity of the following10 warehousing risk factors for workers

1. Fires


2. Falls


  • Falls at the same level,由在髒地板上滑動或絆倒不正確的物品引起的。
  • Falls to different levels,來自樓梯,叉車或電梯。


Inefficient placement of the various warehouse elements or fixtures, poor lighting or lack of cleanliness can cause operators tobump into stationary objects。There is also the risk of crashes and collisions involving moving objects such as pallet jacks, forklifts and other vehicles.



The use of sharp tools such as knives and cutters, as well as contact with the edge of the boxes, can lead to意外削減或刺破

5. Overturning of objects

堆積不良的貨物,不穩定的機架,在處理載荷期間的意外,在地麵敲門時敲門負責objects falling from different heights。預防的方法之一是定期攜帶out a架子技術檢查that certifies they are in good condition or identifies possible flaws to correct them in a timely manner, before an accident occurs.


In warehouses, there may be化學和有毒物質這可以通過吸入或皮膚接觸來觸發健康問題。因此,這些必須始終存儲在水密容器中並用適當的PPE處理。

7. Overexertion

Lifting an excessive weight or performing repetitive tasksare physical risk factors that lead to spasms, muscular and skeletal pathologies and pains that can ultimately be disabling.

8. Risk of electric shock

接觸with any element of the electrical installation in poor condition (plugs, cables, panels, etc.) can generateelectrocutions and burns

9. Freezing

The most significant risk in cold-storage installations is冷凍due to excessive exposure to cold or poor use of protective equipment.

10. Reckless use of equipment


  • The handling of forklifts, pallet jacks, trucks and vans.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Electronic tools and devices.


Five warehouse risks can spoil or make your goods unusable, namely:

1. Risk of fire

If a fire is generated by ignition of a flammable substance, it is important toprevent its spread and to put it out as soon as possibleso that stock losses are minimal.

2. Risk of flooding

Extreme weather conditions or the ruptured pipes can cause flooding in the warehouse, especially damaging stock piled up at ground level. Monitoringchanges in the ambient humidityis essential to detecting water entering your installations as quickly as possible and to taking timely action.

3. Risk of power outages


4. Risk of damage due to incorrect handling


5. Risk of spoilage due to poor stock management

最後,在犯錯誤product's classification and labeling,或在它的rotation(無論FIFO or LIFO),導致某些批次被降級到倉庫的角落,並且由於時間通過而無法惡化,並且沒有在正確的時間發布它們。不恰當的情況,可以妨礙warehouse management software such as Easy WMS

意識到warehouse risksis the first step in determining whatsafety systems you need to prevent them。Stay tuned to our blog and make your warehouse an efficient and safe workplace.
