
April 23, 2019

采摘過程及其派遣的準備是需要倉庫中最多的時間和努力的操作。有different order fulfillment methods:你怎麼知道哪一個是你的倉庫最適合?讓我們回顧如何挑選類型被分類,在選擇一個或另一個之前,應該考慮什麼考慮因素。

What are your objectives with picking?

這end aim sought from picking tasks is to reduce the time dedicated to it, to offer better customer care (e.g., shortening delivery times) and at the same time to reduce its hold on a warehouse’s operating costs where time is money.

Choosing one type of picking or another will be the right decision, if you are looking to:

  • Reduce operator routes謝謝A.正確布局以及良好的庫存分區策略(即,開槽)。
  • Decrease the number of operations時間它需要工人執行它們。
  • Achieve零誤差精度
  • 保持A.精確庫存旋轉:例如,取消FIFO / LIFO標準並保持持續控製通過一個WMS.

Order fulfillment methods



  • 產品 - 人:是基於安裝自動存儲和揀選係統的基礎。機器如stacker cranes collect the product and transport it to the operator。它們用於倉庫,需要每天處理大量訂單。它需要更高的初始投資。
  • 人員:當我們通過處理設備輔助手動揀選時,這是最常用的操作,例如訂單拾取器或叉車。其基本優勢是它意味著初始投資較低。
這product-person order fulfillment method uses automatic systems.
這product-person order fulfillment method uses automatic systems.

2. Picking according to the locations on the rack level


  • Ground level訂單履行:如果貨物在底樓的單一級別。
  • 低等級order fulfillment: shelve up to the operator’s height.
  • Midlevel訂單履行:水平不超過11​​.5或13英尺高。
  • Order fulfillmentat heights:操作員適應貨架的全部高度。

這re is extensive information on each in our技術倉庫手冊


順序選擇(例如,訂單執行)的汽車ried out in different orders and phases:

  • 齊令:這涉及基本揀選程序。操作員提取產品並直接準備訂單。它通常用於涉及大量同一商品的訂單。
  • 波浪或團體采摘:在這種情況下,揀選過程分為兩個階段。首先,挑選所有產品並放置采摘架子並且,在第二步中,訂單單獨包裝和包裝。這允許同時準備幾個訂單。這是最常見的方法許多skus被處理,每個訂單隻包含幾件物品。它是通常建議作為一般采摘改善策略的方法之一。
  • 由區域挑選: This method of preparing orders organizes order picking according to their位置在倉庫裏。與之前的情況一樣,同時處理幾個訂單。


Choosing a pick method is directly related to the following factors:

  • Initial investment:當然,這增加了解決方案的自動化。但是,初始投資不應成為障礙:project’s ROIwill be the key parameter to consider.
  • 處理成本: This will depend on the type of merchandise you handle, since the handling cost is item dependent.
  • 處理能力: This refers to the每天可以處理的訂單數量時間單位
  • storage area in use: this is directly related to criteria such as the aisle width, the rack height, the floors that the warehouse has...among other factors.

Choosing the right picking method is a crucial decision that has a直接影響安裝的運營成本。如果你想讓我們put our warehousing logistics experience to the test,請隨時猶豫不決聯係我們:我們很樂意為您提供幫助。
