


Ecommerce order fulfillmentrepresents a logistics challenge for businesses with online sales channels. Consumer trends such as omnichannel and the rise ofquick commerce (q-commerce)have prompted logistics managers to digitize processes to ensure maximum efficiency and productivity.

鞏固電子商務有greatly increased the complexity of logistics service由於公司和用戶互動的不同渠道,即,omnichannel strategies。Additionally, this consumer trend has pushed up delivery costs (last-mile delivery) as well as costs deriving from free product returns.Ecommerce logistics要求銷售部門和倉庫之間完美的協調,在各種在線銷售點與設施的物理股票同步產品目錄。Any imbalance in this stage could cause a脫銷並可能危及公司的聲譽。


Ecommerce fulfillment is the logistics phase這包括從倉庫中執行的所有行動online orderis received until it’s taken to the dispatch area. This stage includes processes such as stock control, the picking of the products that make up each order, and order packaging, among others.

Order preparation is the costliest operation for anyecommerce warehouseSpeed is the priority for these types of facilities, the goal being to ship all orders in the shortest possible time.

庫存管理是在線訂單準備中最複雜和最重要的操作之一。近年來,盒子將托盤置於物流設施中最常見的單位負荷,特別是在電子商務倉庫中。這使得強迫業務為每個單位負載提供特定的存儲係統。在此之上,我們有多款SKU訂單, making picking more complex.

To dispatch such a large number of diverse orders quickly,the goods andprocurement任務必須組織成T.。Knowing the status of the goods in detail allows suppliers to send products on time and avoid delays and interruptions in order picking. It’s also essential to ensure that work is distributed effectively among your operators so that each of them can concentrate on completing as many orders as possible.

RF scanners significantly raise operator efficiency in ecommerce order fulfillment
RF scanners significantly raise operator efficiency in ecommerce order fulfillment

Ecommerce fulfillment challenges

As ecommerce has transformed logistics centers, the layout of a facility geared towards online sales tends to be different from a conventional one. The intrinsic characteristics of ecommerce logistics are forcing traditional warehouses to adapt their design to be more efficient in these new operations. These are the main challenges facing ecommerce fulfillment:

Cut logistics times

Ecommerce requires companies to streamline their warehouse processes to meetsame-day deliverystandards― although there are logistics services with even shorter delivery windows. Order picking must be carried out fast, sooperator travelneeds to be optimized to boost productivity. Warehouse management software plays a key role here: it lets you define a specific picking strategy beforehand based on the characteristics of the product and the facility. This program alsodistributes goods in locationsaccording to the rules and criteria set in advance by the logistics manager.


To guarantee efficient ecommerce order fulfillment,minimizing mistakesis a must.Product returns have become a real headache for online retailers: consulting firmdeloite.表明,在過去十年中,電子商務繁榮導致訂單回報率升高33%。該公司還預計將於2022年,每年將返回5730億美元的產品,即2008年的電子商務總額的四倍。

A倉庫管理係統(WMS)such as Easy WMS from Interlake Mecalux eliminates up to 99% of errorsstemming from manual goods handling. This WMS guides operators throughout the order prep process and devises the most effective picking strategy in line with the design of the facility and characteristics of the products.

Keep stock up-to-date and in sync

The implementation of sales channels and increasing variety of SKUs in warehouses makes logistics operations such as picking even more complex. Tocontrol stock in real time,it’s crucial to swap manual inventory processes for warehouse management software that coordinates everything happening in the facility from top to bottom.

The implementation of a WMS can be supplemented with RF scanners or any other picking assistance device thatprevents merchandise losses和即時通訊proves operator productivity in order picking.

Avoid SKU proliferation


Optimize packing and kitting



In addition to everything mentioned above are the costs arising from last-mile delivery. This logistics stage requires the utmost organization to avoid cost overruns that could hinder the company’s competitiveness. Therefore, it’s vital to have tools that streamlinecommunication between the warehouse and the different transportation agencies。This is precisely the function performed by多載波運輸軟件,先進的簡易WMS模塊,可確保對貨物調度過程進行全麵控製。


Storage solutions for ecommerce fulfillment

To maximize the throughput of ecommerce order fulfillment operations, businesses need to optimize their resources. And they’re doing this by employing logistics planning strategies. These can range from the implementation of new types of logistics centers for preparing and dispatching orders (micro-fulfillment centers黑暗的商店) to the adoption of picking strategies (e.g.,batch picking或拾取箱)以最大限度地減少成本並充分利用操作員移動。

There are a number of warehousing solutions on the market to raise efficiency in ecommerce order fulfillment. These are the most popular ones:

Manual storage solutions

Companies choose solutions adapted to the most common ecommerce unit loads, i.e., boxes or trays. This is the case ofFrench ecommerce retailerdeguisetoi.fr., which invested incarton flow racks從MeCalux組加速揀選並增強其有用的存儲區域30%。電子商務倉庫也轉向解決方案,如mezzanine floor racking systems,大大增加了有用的域名以擴展存儲容量。

Conveyor systems for boxes

Another typical solution is to replace manual handling equipment withroller conveyors for boxes, totes, and binsto accelerate the flow of goods in the warehouse. This ensures that stock is continuously supplied to the order preparation area. Ecommerce fashion retailerEspace des Marquesequipped its logistics facility in France with a conveyor for boxes and lift installed by the Mecalux Group. Development Manager Vincent Beaufreton says, “They connect the various building levels and speed up goods transfers.”

Picking assistance devices

訂單準備也可以通過方法進行優化picking aids such aspick-to-light語音揀貨係統,增強生產率並降低此過程中的錯誤邊距。Aghasa Turis., an ecommerce retailer specializing in hardware, outfitted its warehouse in Spain with pick- and put-to-light devices to simplify and streamline the work of its operators. “Thanks to the help of the pick- and put-to-light systems, we’ve increased our picking speed by 15%,” says General Manager Darío Alonso.

Specialized software

The digitization of logistics processes prevents mistakes arising from manual management in a facility. A WMS such as Easy WMS from Interlake Mecalux features multiple advanced modules with functionalities that facilitate ecommerce. For instance,MarketPlaces和電子商務平台集成syncs the company’s online catalog with the physical stock in the logistics facility to eliminate errors.WMS for Ecommerce另一方麵,將倉庫運營適應在線商務。和Supply Chain Analyticsenables logistics managers to monitorsupply chain KPIs評估物流設施的實際表現。電子商務行動圖零售商Global Freaksarmed itself with three Easy WMS modules (Marketplaces & Ecommerce Platforms Integration, WMS for Ecommerce, and Multi Carrier Shipping Software) to enhance its growth prospects. As a result, the company has tripled the number of orders it can prepare in its facility.

Automated picking

The order preparation process can be automated by outfitting the ecommerce warehouse with automated solutions such asminiload systems (AS/RS for boxes),加快儲存和清除產品。該係統可以與盒式輸送機相輔相成,以加快貨物流到揀選站。工具製造商薩姆礦業has installed an AS/RS (automated storage and retrieval system) for boxes in its logistics center in France. Automation has increased the company’s operational throughput, increasing productivity by 25%. Logistics Manager Candice Aubert says: “Before renovating our center, operators would walk around the warehouse for six or seven miles a day to locate the SKUs they needed. With the automated warehouse for boxes, goods are moved to the pick stations automatically.”

Ecommerce fulfillment calls for efficiency

電子商務的企業必須調整其銷售logistics operations with consumer trends already established in the market and to the standard characteristics of ecommerce. The answer to being competitive in ecommerce is toequip your warehouse with storage systems— both manual and automated — that considerably boost efficiency in order fulfillment and, above all, minimize mistakes in picking.

It also helps to implement a warehouse management system such as Easy WMS, capable of在手動訂單中縮短誤差拾取高達99%

有興趣收獲電子商務的好處,從而最大限度地提高您的倉庫吞吐量?不要猶豫與我們聯係。One of our expert consultants will advise you on the best solution for your business.
