



What is digital transformation?

The concept of digital transformation refers to the implementation of new technologies in all areas of a company to improve its efficiency.Thus,digitalization in logistics構成在諸如存儲,訂單準備和運輸等領域的新數字能力的集成。

The digitalization of all areas of a company is a trend that will continue in the future. It’s currently penetrating the main economic sectors, albeit at an uneven pace. According to a谘詢公司麥肯錫研究,企業正在優先考慮在其營銷策略中使用新技術(49%已完成)以及其產品和服務(21%)。隻有2%的受訪者表示他們在供應鏈中介紹了數字轉型舉措

All the same, this isn’t something the sector has disregarded. According to aForbes Insights調查,65%的物流經理人都知道他們need to overhaul their business model if they want to survive the digital age


Technology enabling digitalization in the warehouse

Technology aims to achieve自動化和智能管理公司的文件和組織其程序或工作流程, among other things.


  • Cloud data storage:提供越來越多的倉庫管理係統SaaS(軟件作為服務,雲中的服務)模式與傳統的內部部署版本相反(在公司的本地服務器中)。這項技術要求較低的初始投資部署WMS.,因為您每月租用許可證而不是購買整個技術基礎設施。
  • IOT設備: IoT (Internet of Things) technology applied to the warehouse is closely related to the various sensors that capture information from the physical world and dump it into digital databases. Examples of this are RFID tags and motion sensors incorporated in automated systems such asstacker cranesand輸送機
  • 自動化: in intralogistics operations, machines and automated systems coexist with operators as they carry out their tasks. For example,Pallet Shuttlescut back on forklift operator movements. Meanwhile, smart carts, in combination with pick-to-light係統,更準確揀貨車操作。
  • AI in logistics: artificial intelligence (AI) has made mass data analysis possible in the various links of the supply chain. For example, this interpretation of information enables demand forecasting雖然促進了這一點management of locations in the installationand the optimization of最後一次交貨
  • Environment simulation with digital twins: this technology is extremely useful when designing a warehouse or making changes to its layout。實際上,在改變現實中運行的方式之前,可以測試新組織在數字環境中的功能。已經集成在幾個WMS中,如亚博滚球app手机版Interlake MeCalux簡單的WMS, the digital twin application reduces the margin of error and ensures continuous process improvement.


由於WMS的實現,揀貨 - 購物車方法準確地提升
由於WMS的實現,揀貨 - 購物車方法準確地提升

Digital transformation strategies: how to apply them in your logistics company

Alldigital transformation initiatives in logisticshave to take into account each company’s particular situation, including the difficulties it faces, the opportunities in its sector, and its objectives. Therefore, it’s a good idea to take this step by step:

建立起點並設置目標:應該解決當前作了初步的分析state of the areas most affected by digitalization. These might include document management (abandoning the use of paper once and for all), available software and hardware, process organization, and the like. This study will provide the foundation for designing the objectives of your digital transformation project.

Guarantee quick budget approval:明確優先事項,內部公司官僚機構不能成為製定數字轉型所需的技術投資的障礙。

依靠Talent 4.0: businesses should seek out workers with specialized training in supply chain management. But they should also prioritize advanced skills in the software and digitalization field.

Achieve continuous improvement:在物流過程中,分析每個階段並衡量結果是必要的(KPIs) to make decisions that improve effectiveness.

從這個意義上講,有企業已經存在成功開展了他們的倉庫數字化項目。Two cases that serve as examples of digital transformation in logistics at different levels are theintelligent management of the Rent a Book installation(由於部署了WMS)和BH自行車物流中心的自動化(via a miniload warehouse and stacker cranes for pallets).

A competitive advantage in the present, an obligation for warehouses of the future

誤認為是將數字化視為自身的目標;然而,實際上,這是一個更有效的商業和物流管理的方法。事實上,根據Deloitte Industry 4.0 investment調查,公司數字轉型背後的驅動力是提高生產力,緊隨其後的競爭壓力和客戶要求。


At Interlake Mecalux, our professionals are equipped to install the technology necessary for your company to meet Industry 4.0 standards. If you’d like our expertise in digitally transforming your facilities and processes, don’t hesitate tocontact our team of experts
